Subb instruction in 8051
















8051 Instruction Table. 8-segment editor. Ajmp inc call orl setb. Anl jb jz POP subb. Cjne jbc lcall push swap. Appendix D 8051 Instructions in numerical Order. Opcode Mnemonic. The8051 is the original member of the MCW-51 family, and is the core for allMCS-51 devices. The instruction sd provides extensive support for one-bit variables as a separate data t% allowing direct blt Instructions that Affect Flag Settings(l). Instruetkm. ADD Addc subb mul DIV da rrc rlc Types of Instructions in 8051 Microcontroller Instruction Set. Data Transfer Instructions. Introduction to 8051 Microcontroller Instruction Set. Writing a Program for any Microcontroller consists of giving commands to the Microcontroller in a particular order in which they must be SUBB. Here one can find complete instruction set of 8051 microcontroller. Complete information regarding each instruction like operational explanation, addressing mode, no. of byte occupied, no. of cycles used etc is given. So just, go through it. It's a ready reference. SUBB SUBB. A,Rn A,dir8. SUBB destination, source Subtraction with Borrow. Additional 251 Instructions: if the 251 is configured in binary mode the 8051 instructions are the default opcode map and the OPCODE PREFIX is the first opcode byte for the additional 251 instructions. NOTE: Many 8051 derivative chips change instruction timing. For example, many optimized versions of the 8051 execute instructions in 4 oscillator cycles instead of 12; such a chip would be effectively 3 times faster than the 8051 when used with the same 11.059 Mhz crystal. The 8051 provides more powerful architecture, more powerful Instruction set and full duplex serial port. R5 8E 2 MOV direct, R6 8F 2 MOV direct, R7 90 3 MOV DPTR, #immed 91 2 ACALL addr11 92 2 MOV bit, C 93 1 MOVC A, @A+DPTR 94 2 SUBB A, #immed 95 2 SUBB A, direct 96 1 SUBB A This page covers 8051 instruction set. The 8051 instructions are specified with opcode, operand, size in bytes, M-cycle (number of machine cycles) etc. Here one machine cycle consists of 12 oscillator periods. Following table-1 mentions meanings of terms used in the instructions mentioned in the Instructions. Index. Core8051 Instruction Set Details. User's Guide. Actel Corporation, Mountian View, CA 94043. This chapter lists the instructions in order of hexadecimal code. Table 3-1. Core8051 Instruction Set in Hexadecimal Order. Opcode. 8051 Microcontroller Instruction Set. Table 1-4. Instruction Opcodes in Hexadecimal Order. Hex Code. Number Mnemonic of Bytes. Description: SUBB subtracts the indicated variable and the carry flag together from the Accumulator, leaving the result in the Accumulator.

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